Thursday, July 7, 2011

i just watched nightly news with brian williams for the first time in ages.

all i can say is i am so saddened for the next generation. apparently, kids no longer have to learn how to write in cursive in the classroom. what? are they going to learn their signature? or will that be done away with as well? i am sad and disappointed. i love writing in cursive. it is elegant and timeless (or so i thought).

i will be teaching my children the art of cursive and i hope you will do the same.
let's not eliminate all the beautiful elements of the written word.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

well, all of my hopes to be a regular blogger have been dashed due to the commencement of summer session 2. let's just say that hermeneutics is a full-time job and i don't take it lightly. i am thankful for the opportunity to be challenged in my education and my faith.

enough about that.

i would like to give you readers a little insight into my guilty indulgences. i have many and most of them are not shared publicly in any fashion. therefore, you should feel honored to be bestowed such information.

these are my latest guilty pleasures (in no particular order):

the Bachelorette: season 7. MANOHMAN. this season has absolutely stolen my heart. i have never been so invested in the participants of a reality tv show. i tear up when tender moments occur and i get genuinely angry when someone betrays another's trust or hurts Ashley in any way.

mccafe treats such as the mango pineapple smoothie. i had my first one today and i can honestly say that i am addicted.

filling up online shopping carts with things i cannot afford and do not need. it's an obsession. i probably need a therapist or a support group.

well, that's all for now. i must do my homework. look for more later this week.